From 3th to 6th April 2025 - Fiera Roma
Take part as exhibitor at Romics 34 th edition!
If you are a publisher or a collector, if you have a comic shop, if you deal with merchandising, video games, gadgets and everything that revolves around the world of comics, cinema, animation and video games, don't miss the opportunity to take part in the 34 th edition of the Festival.
Romics is the ideal place for meetings of diversified trends and generations recognized by the main institutions and the industry of the sector. Romics offers visitors the possibility to immerse themselves in all the worlds of creativity, from comics to illustration, from fiction to cinema with the news of the sector, publishing houses, comic shops, collectors, gadgets, video games and the unmissable meetings with authors, publishers, influencers and talents.
Registration Form
This is your registration form and includes payment terms and conditions. Please fill it in every part and send it to, along with proof of payment
Romics, Il Festival Internazionale del Fumetto, Animazione, Cinema e Games, manifestazione fieristica internazionale certificata da ISFCERT - Istituto Certificazione Dati Statistici Fieristici, ente ufficiale riconosciuto da Accredia.