Filo D'Oro
Filo D'Oro was born in '96, and from an early age it is parked in front of the television and cartoons, with the unexpected side effect of never being able to detach it from there.
As soon as she can hold a pencil decently begins to write stories and draw her favorite characters, and after being encouraged by her professors to continue doing so, she decides that from that moment she could even forget her wallet at home, but never his drawing pad and his pen.
After high school he enters the Roman School of Comics, and to learn better to juggle also in the world of publishing, begins a course of Graphic Novel at the Tunué. And from that moment it will begin to collaborate with the latter for events and fairs of the comic. In these years, Filo D'oro will also come back into contact with an old flame of his; animation.
She will then decide to obtain a master’s degree in Storyboard and 2D Animation, which will allow her to work as a Storyboard Artist for the editorial collective Bangarang! Comics, and to collaborate as a Clean-up Artist for an animated short film.
Since she was a young girl, Filo D'oro juggles with video editing and creating reels for social media, accumulating a following of more than 40,000 subscribers, which have led her to be a well-known name in the nerd environment.
In Programma
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca con PeraToons
Laboratorio di disegno ispirato a Pera Toons. In collaborazione con Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca con PeraToons
Laboratorio di disegno ispirato a Pera Toons. In collaborazione con Tunué.