Michele Masiero
Born in Castelmassa (RO) in 1967, Michele Masiero approached the world of comics in 1985, starting to write on the magazine of comic criticism "Fumo di Cina". He later collaborated with the book publications of Alessandro Distribuzioni and then with the "Starmagazine", "Cyborg" and "Glamour".
His experience at Sergio Bonelli Editore began in 1991, first as a simple editor and three years later as curator of Mister No. Dello Spenzonato pilot writes, besides several books for the regular series, the miniseries Mister No Revolution. He also collaborates with Dylan Dog, Dampyr, Il Comandante Mark and Deadwood Dick, Darwin and the comic novels "Cheyenne" and "Hollywoodland".
After holding the position of Chief Editor, he is the Editorial Director of the publishing house since 2015.