Vince Tempera
The most beloved Italian songs: the music of Vince Tempera Romics D'Oro Musicale 2015. To lead Romics Vince Tempera, is the merit of being author and musician of numerous anime and television series of the 70s and 80s and, while those same series are less and less present on TV channels, Vince’s songs remain and don’t seem to suffer from the passage of time. The music of: Capitan Harlock, Ape Maia, Red-haired Anna, Nils Holgersson, Daitan III, Hello Spank, Shooting star, Astrorobot contact ypsilon, Capitan Futuro, Daitan, Futuromania, Nano Nano, Remi, Tekkaman and especially Ufo Robot and Goldrake, two real timeless hits. Ufo Robot, the first theme of the television series of the same name sold over a million copies, obtaining the Golden Disc, and the second theme, Goldrake, were sold over seven hundred thousand copies.
Born in Milan in 1946, Vincenzo, for all Vince, at twenty years is already touring Italy with his band La Nuova Era. In 1969 he began friendship and collaboration with two other great names of Italian music: drummer Ellade Bandini and bassist Ares Tavolazzi. In 1970 after Terra in bocca of I Giganti, Vince Tempera arranges Francesco Guccini’s L'isola non trovata. In 1974 he was part of a new group, Il Volo, which released the two LPs, Il Volo (1974) and Essere o non essere? Essere! Essere! Essere! (1975). He started important collaborations with artists who will enter the history of Italian music. In 1977, Lucio Fulci chose him for the soundtrack of Sette note in nero. The collaboration with Guccini continues without interruption and will end in 2013, when, following the farewell to the music of the singer-songwriter from Bologna, the collaboration with the rest of the "Musici" begins. In 2003, Quentin Tarantino commissioned him to play the soundtrack for the film Kill Bill vol. 1. He returned to RAI in 2009 and composed the music for the fiction films Raccontami 2 and Tutti i rumori del mondo. Since the 17th edition of Romics has contributed to the creation of the Romics Song Contest.
In Programma
Sat 05 Oct 12:30 - 12:50
Diabolik tra matite e musica. Live drawing di Giuseppe Palumbo
Sat 05 Oct 15:00 - 16:20
Musicomics - Premio Romics Musica per Immagini
Cerimonia di premiazione della III edizione del contest dedicato alla musica per immagini.