Alessandro Bottero
Journalist, translator, writer. He has been involved in comics, sci-fi, horror, music and other pleasures for over twenty-five years, in various ways and forms. He has read, translated, written, published articles, essays, stories, short stories and other beautiful things. He runs the website www.fumettodautore.com, and collaborates with the magazines Classic Rock, Vinyl and Singer-songwriters of the group Sprea. He wrote Batman: the Dark Knight’s Secrets and From Nembo Kid to Superman (both for Iacobelli), books considered the definitive texts on the two characters. For NPE he wrote The Racism in Comics, the first essay on racism in American comics from 1934 to today. He has published stories in the anthologies Se in Italia (Vallardi) and Cronache del Neocarbonifero (Bietti), both edited by Gianfranco De Turris. In 2017, he will be releasing his essay on Nathan Never for NPE.
In Programma
Thu 03 Oct 16:00 - 16:45
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Fri 04 Oct 18:00 - 18:30
Tolkien Revival
Pregi e difetti della nuova ondata di serie tv, cartoni animati e film ambientati nella Terra di Mezzo. A cura dell'associazione Eterea - Associazione Italiana Studi Tolkieniani