Alessandro Q. Ferrari
Born in 1978, in Milan. He is a writer, screenwriter of comics, cartoons and TV series.
In 2018, she will publish her first novel for girls and boys "The girls are not afraid"
for DeAPlaneta Libri, winner of the Selection Prize Bancarellino 2019. To which
Must be good (DeAPlaneta 2020), Hello Master (DeAPlaneta 2021),
Ask dreams to make noise (Mondadori 2021), When we reach the sun (DeA
2023). In 2016 his graphic novel Star Wars: The Original Trilogy
New York Times Best Sellers list. Since 2006 he has worked with Walt Disney
Company, Lucasfilm, Rainbow, RAI, Movements, Luxvide, Cartobaleno, Zodiak and
He is the headwriter of the animated series Mortina for Cartobaleno Studio, has
Screenplays episodes of the animated series Topo Gigio, Giulio Coniglio, Winx WOW, Winx
7, Winx 5, PopPixie, SpikeTeam, The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne and the series
live action Talent High School. Per Walt Disney Company is headwriter of the series
Young Donald and Spookyzone. He wrote the comic for La Vita
Unexpected (candidate for the Gran Guinigi and Boscarato awards), W.I.T.C.H. and Topolino. In
2007 Facebook book published: Domani Smetto for Castelvecchi Editore. 2005
attends the Disney Writing course at the Disney Academy in Milan. He graduates in
2004 with a thesis on cinema by Josef von Sternberg and Marlene Dietrich.
In Programma
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Alessandro Ferrari e Flavia Scuderi
Dove ?
PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Fri 04 Oct 17:00 - 17:50
W.I.T.C.H. - Dalla Serie Originale al Reboot: La Storia di un Fenomeno a Fumetti
A cura di Giunti Editore