Danilo Angeletti
Graduated from the art school of Latina in 1990 and immediately began working for photographic studios as retouching and portrait artist with the exclusive use of the airgraph, in the nineties he established a relationship of friendship and internship with the master Enzo Sciotti, Learning film illustration and refining portrait, participates in various events including Bologna Book Fair, Acquaviva in comics and various personal and collective exhibitions and makes some Pinups to support the section games and crossword puzzles on the weekly for boys.
In the 2000s he established a working relationship and friendship with the publishing house Tunue', collaborating as a teacher of comics and illustration
In recent years he has been involved in various projects for various companies including Boccia Graphic Arts in Salerno and Enel energy for the urban redevelopment of electric cabins
Currently working on some projects seeking publication and some self-produced