Elisabetta D’Amico
Elisabetta D'Amico studied at the Liceo classico G. Stampacchia, obtaining her diploma, and later at the Scuola Interazione di Comics as a comic book designer. She then turned to the field of ink, discovering that she wanted to take this path and began working as an ink assistant.
In 2016 he made his debut in the US market working as assistant to S.Pichelli’s Spider-men II warhead.
Parallel to her duties as an assistant, D. Messina’s pencils in Marvel’s first run of Cloak & Dagger and, in 2018, she made her debut in IDW as a penciler for the aforementioned designer, on the miniseries Star Trek: The Q conflict and G.I.JOE #252.
From 2018 onwards, he worked on many different titles alongside many different designers such as Black Widow the second run, inking E. Casagrande’s pencils; Wakanda #1 on P. Medina’s pencils; Hyperion & the Imperial Guard; Thor, King in Black on M. Bandini’s pencils, Star Trek Year five on S. Thompson and S. Califano’s pencils; Fortnite x Marvel zero war, Venom vsDeadpool Annual 1, inking the pencils of S. Davila and Daresevil #7 inking the matixes of R.DeLatorre, New mutants Lethal Legion, Spider Gwen:Smash and Jubilee blood hunt, on E. Balam’s pencils.
In 2019, selected for its work, it wins the Inkwell Award in the "Props Award" category
In 2024 selected for his work on Daredevil #7 and Venom vs Deadpool Annual 1, he wins two more awards labeled Inkwell award in two categories: "most adaptable" and "props award"
During the same year he also started working for a new publishing house: Dark Horse.