Giuseppe Palumbo

Golden Romics of the XXXIII edition

Giuseppe Palumbo was born in Matera in 1964.

He began publishing comics in 1986 on the pages of magazines such as Frigidaire and Cyborg, on whose pages he creates his best-known character, Ramarro, the first masochistic superhero.
In 1992 he joined the staff of Martin Mystére of Sergio Bonelli Editore and in 2000 in that of Diabolik of Astorina; with this publisher, Palumbo tightens the longest and most prolific collaboration of his career as a designer.
"Tomka, il gitano di Guernica" (2007), on texts by Massimo Carlotto, and "Un sogno turco" (2008), on texts by Giancarlo De Cataldo, are published by Rizzoli.

Comma 22 of Bologna, dedicates to Palumbo a series of volumes opened by "Diary of a madman", adaptation of a story by Lu Xun, and followed by "CUT Cataclysm", which collects all the stories of Cut produced until 2006 for the Japanese publishing house Kodansha; published "Eternartemisia" and "Aleametron", produced by Palazzo Strozzi Firenze, and the first essay of historical literary criticism in comics, "The helmet and the revolt. Modernity and mythical surplus of Scipioni and Spartachi", based on the idea and texts of Luciano Curreri, professor of Italian Language and Literature at ULG - University of Liège. Last title: "Una storia Lemming" produced by the non-profit organization Cefa.

For the historical Editions of the Comet of Rome, in 2012, he wrote and drew "Six touches of blades - Life, death and miracles of Sant'Andrea Avellino".
For Lavieri, in 2013, "Uno si distrae al bivio - La crudele scalmana di Rocco Scotellaro" and illustrated "Prendere una lepre" by Biagio Bagini; in 2014, with Giulio Giordano at the crossroads, he published "I cruschi di Manzù". Always supported by Giulio Giordano and Gianfranco Giardina, he writes "La visione di Mallet", in 2018; but in 2017, with Pierangelo Di Vittorio and Alessandro Manna of the collective Action30, he had published "Bazar elettrico - Bataille, Benjamin, Warburg at work"which inaugurates the Action30 Graphic Essays series. In the same series, but self-produced, comes out in 2020 "Pasolini 1964 - Beyond Matera and the Mediterranean", on texts by Maurizio Camerini and Alessandro Manna, and with the collaboration of Silvio Cadelo, Valentina Mir, Maria Fonzino and Beppe Chia.

Between 2023 and 2024, his self-produced editions are enriched with two new titles: "Al bivio - la giovane scalmana di Rocco Scotellaro", with Maurizio and Matteo Camerini, and "Costellazione Basaglia", with Pierangelo Di Vittorio and the collective Action30.
Between 2016 and 2017, the biography "Escobar - El Patròn" is published in France, Belgium, Italy and Turkey, based on texts by Guido Piccoli, published by Dargaud.
In the same year, Comicon Edizioni published "Ramarro - Cold Wars", a volume that brings together all the stories of Ramarro, the first masochist superhero.
In 2017, he began collaborating with Comics & Science/CNR editions, creating "Archimedes Infinito 2.0", followed by "Le cose portate dall'acqua" on texts by Giovanni Eccher, in 2019.
In the same year, for Coconino Press, he wrote and drew "16 possible uses of a mausoleum" in the series "Comics in museums", promoted by Mibact, dedicated to the Mausoleum of Theodoric in Ravenna.
For Oblomov, supported by APT Basilicata, he writes and draws between 2023 and 2024, "La sola cura", comic biography of the doctor from Lucania Ludovico Nicola di Giura.

His works have appeared in French, Japanese, Greek, Spanish, Danish, Tamil, Belarusian.

In the field of illustration, he has been the cover artist of Mondadori’s Gialli Junior series for about ten years, and since 2003 has been the official cover artist of Stefano Benni’s novels for Feltrinelli. He collaborated with the Unit, the Manifesto, the sole24ore, SlowfoodMagazine.
In 2020, he illustrated books for Mondadori Oscar INK (A. Huxley, "Mondo Nuovo"), Locus Publishing Taiwan (with Grazia Gotti, "Federico Fellini - Rimini/Roma Andata e Ritorno", in Italy for Edizioni Primavera), for Eris Edizioni (on texts by Serena Guidobaldi, "L'Appetito")for Minerva Edizioni (in the series Fatterelli Bolognesi, two volumes, on texts by Wu Ming 2 and Nader Ghazvinizadeh), for Pendragon (G. C. Croce, "Bertoldo and Bertoldino"). In 2021, "Caramelle dal cielo" for Gallucci publisher, on texts by Marta Palazzesi.
He designs covers for various publishers including Einaudi, for authors such as Loriano Macchiavelli and the Reverend Coles, and Minerva.

Teaches since 2011, Illustration for publishing at the ISIA of Urbino, in the biennium Illustration, diploma of second level.

Since 2006 he is one of the founding members of the interdisciplinary collective Action30, which investigates new forms of racism and fascism, with which he makes small publishing, short films/ motion comics, multimedia conferences and in particular a special transmedial format of live performances (video, music and comic book narration) that has been represented in numerous Italian and foreign festivals.
useful sites:
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He has won awards in several Italian cities (Milan, Treviso, Rome, Naples) as the best Italian comic artist and for some of his books.