Luca Enoch

Golden Romics of the XVI edition

Creator of fierce and decided female heroines and not only... Author in the round, very often in fact scripts and draws his works. In 1992 he created the teenagerSprayliz; since 1995 he began a prolific collaboration with the Sergio Bonelli Publisher, for which he created in 1999 Gea and in 2008 Lilith and in 2007 published Dragonero, the first book of the Bonelli comics, written with Stefano Vietti and drawn by Giuseppe Matteoni. The story conquers a series of its own and in June 2013 makes its debut the monthly fantasy Dragonero. For the French market (Les Humanoïdes Associés) writes Morgana, illustrated by Mario Alberti, and Rangaku, with drawings by Maurizio Di Vincenzo. More recently, in 2011 Luca Enoch published Hit Moll produced by Bonelli and published by BD, with drawings by Andrea Accardi and in 2013 La banda Stern published by Rizzoli Lizard, designed by Claudio Stassi. Romics is showing his best works.