Lucio Macchiarella

Lucio Macchiarella, singer-songwriter and lyricist, is known for some of the most famous cartoon songs. Son of art, he started writing songs at the age of 11. Active since the 70s, he has collaborated with Rocking Horse and Superobots and worked on iconic songs such as Ken the warrior, Forza Sugar!, Il Dr. Slump and Arale, Mimi and the girls of volleyball, Sampei, Conan the boy of the future, Candy Candy and many others. In addition to the sigles, he also wrote for Scialpi, Edoardo Vianello, Ilona Staller, Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble, Nova Schola Cantorum (participating in the 1986 Sanremo Festival with the song "Azzurra Anima"). His ability to create texts suitable for the audience of young people has made him a reference point in the sector, making it an essential reference point today.On the occasion of the third edition of MUSICOMICS - Romics Music Award for Images, will be awarded the Andrea Lo Vecchio Prize.



In Programma

Sat 05 Oct 15:00 - 16:20


Musicomics - Premio Romics Musica per Immagini

Cerimonia di premiazione della III edizione del contest dedicato alla musica per immagini.

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