Mariangela Imbrenda

Born in Potenza in 1985, Mariangela Imbrenda is better known as Turris Eburnea-The model of the Angels, her stage name as a living model and professional photographer. Graduated with honors from the university "Sapienza" in Rome (first degree in ""Literature, Music and Entertainment", second degree in "Forms and techniques of Entertainment"), she began to pose in 2010 for Riccardo Mannelli, while attending the International Theatre School in Rome to become an actress. Since that year Mariangela poses without interruption as a professional model and photographer. It is published in various books of satire, photography and among the most recent projects, to her is dedicated "Mariangela and the Pleasure" by Riccardo Mannelli, of which an' anticipation was presented in Lucca, in 2023, on' last issue of the magazine Blue, "Blue 201", in memory of Francesco Coniglio. In 2022 the Egyptian photographer Ahmed Barakat has set up a monographic exhibition in Rome at the Gall' Art gallery entitled "The Mariangela". Among the last volumes published in 2024, to name a few, there is "Anime a nudo" by photographer Davide Pioggia. Photos, drawings, paintings and illustrations of Mariangela in pose are constantly present in exhibitions and other national and non-national exhibition events. Recently, in June 2024 at the Capitolium Art Gallery in Rome she was the model of a live painting by Massimo Rotundo and Elena Casagrande, teachers of the Scuola Romana dei Fumetti
Thanks to her very elastic body, she loves to pose for artistic anatomy sessions and real costume sessions (of which she is, sometimes, even organizer) being inspired by different arts and everything related to humanity and the human body (naked or not). She loves her work of modeling with extreme enthusiasm and passion because she can "act" even if she must remain mute and immobile. The body guides her and speaks for her. Turris Eburnea considers herself a "model" of humanity, just as an actor must be "every man", universally recognizable in the world beyond space and time. Turris Eburnea would also like to rewrite the History of Art from the perspective of a living model... She is working on it, patiently and as always standing still in pose.



In Programma

Thu 03 Oct 15:30 - 17:00



Questioni di posa: il ruolo della modella vivente

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