Mattia De Iulis
Mattia De Iulis is an Italian cartoonist and illustrator, known in particular for working on some of the most important titles of Marvel Comics.
He has worked for many major companies in the comics industry, including Marvel Comics, Sergio Bonelli Editore, BOOM! Studios, Image Comics, Dark Horse and others as cover artist, interior designer and colorist. Currently working on the co-creative project The Cull, published by Image Comics in the USA and published in Italy for BD Editions.
In Programma
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Mattia De Iulis
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PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Mattia De Iulis
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PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Mattia De Iulis
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PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Mattia De Iulis
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PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Signing Session e Live Drawing con Mattia De Iulis
Dove ?
PAD.7 Edizioni BD - D07
Sun 06 Oct 15:30 - 16:30
Edizioni BD x Simone Di Meo - 3 autori x 3 serie speciali
A cura di Edizioni BD.