Midori Yamane

Midori Yamane, born and raised in Tokyo, moves to Rome at the whim of life.
Always a Manga reader, she also makes her passion her profession and becomes "manga editor" for the Kodansha and Manga language teacher at the International School of Comics.
She was the coordinator and writer of the lessons for the series "MANGA e ANIME" by De Agostini.  
Author of the manga "Un posto dove vivere" (Upper comics and Nippon Shock Magazine), "L’infanzia giapponese di Miyo-chan" (Oblomov editions) and manga manual "Diventare mangaka" (Comicout).


In Programma

Sun 06 Oct 13:30 - 14:15


Manga, comics statunitense o bd francese? È tutta questione di character

A cura della Scuola Internazionale di Comics.

Dove ?

Articolo di approfondimento