Robert Rodriguez e Frank Miller
In conjunction with the international presentation of Sin City 3D: A Woman To Whom To Kill, the second highly anticipated adaptation of the graphic novel, Romics awarded the Golden Romics to Frank Miller and Robert Rodriguez, during the press conference to present the film in Italy. "At a time when comics and cinema have established an extraordinarily prolific partnership, Miller and Rodriguez have converged their alchemist skills of the imagination, creating an original and evocative formula. Two great Masters in their respective fields, revolutionary and absolutely daring" says Sabrina Perucca, Artistic Director of Romics. During the Special Day - waiting for Romics realized in collaboration with Lucky Red and the Cinema and New Media Area of the European Institute of Design in Rome, at the Cinema The Space Moderno, 100 Romics fans have attached to the private screening of the film Sin City 3D: A woman to kill and meet Miller and Rodriguez for.