Spike Comics
Spike Comics aka Mattia Scafetti was born in Rome in 1990, demonstrating a GIGA passion for comics and animation from an early age.
At 4 years old he wins the drawing competition organized by the weekly "Topolino" and since then he has not stopped moving his pencil!
After illustrating nerd-themed T-shirts for years, he dedicated himself to comics and animation, publishing works with WARNER and UNIVERSAL (Music Group), such as the video by Young Signorino and Annalisa Minetti. In 2020, he publishes with SBAM! Comics: "It wasn’t me! (almost) the whole truth about Covid 19" that includes a participation of Silver (dad Wolf Alberto) then dedicated to several self-productions including the webcomic "Spike 'n' Leila" which has arrived at the second season and is currently in progress. Co-founder of Bangarang! Comics and Gatti Cosmici Studio and director of the LATINA COMIC SCHOOL. For years he has developed a close working contact with Tunué that has led him to experience the world of publishing very closely and to attend all major fairs in Italy.
In Programma
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca con PeraToons
Laboratorio di disegno ispirato a Pera Toons. In collaborazione con Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Sonic
Laboratorio didattico a cura della casa editrice Tunué.
Gioca e disegna con Spongebob
Gioca con PeraToons
Laboratorio di disegno ispirato a Pera Toons. In collaborazione con Tunué.