04/23/2024 - 09:15

Vanna Vinci and her Giurassica child

A workshop meeting to get to know the author and her work, through one of her characters and many, many dinosaurs Vanna Vinci, Romics d'oro 2024, tells and tells her work through one of her characters, Vannina, the Jurassic girl. A playful meeting with a workshop character in which we will know how the character of Vannina was born, what are its characteristics and how to draw. A meeting that will test the knowledge of dinosaurs by children who will be called to take up paper and colors to make their creative contribution by drawing existing dinosaurs (although now extinct) or trying to invent new ones. A fun reflection on how often the imagination is able to overcome children the small obstacles of everyday life, first of all shyness.

Moderated by Mario Bellina