Emilio Sturla Furno’
Ligurian by birth, Roman by adoption. With a classical and legal background, Emilio Sturla Furnò is the owner of ESF Comunicazione, a group active in communication, dissemination and promotion through press and social media, and event organization.
Among the numerous consultancy services in the field of communication and press office, we can mention: Produzione Animundi, SDF by Carolyn Smith, Fini Dance, Interflora Italia, Miss UniverseItaly, ITA - Italian Talent Award, Altaroma, Telefono Azzurro Roma, DMA - Diversity Media Awarde many others. In the portfolio of collaborations with the role of press agent were followed: Vittorio Cecchi Gori, Carolyn Smith, Antonio Fini, Adriana Pannitteri for the Tg2 Storie, Annalisa Minetti, Camilla Ancilotto and many others. From the meeting with Bielle Re in 2019 - a company of cinema-television productions - was born the project "Cecchi Gori - Una famiglia Italiana" docufilm and homonymous exhibition presented at the XIV Mostra del Cinema di Roma, followed as co-author and press office.
He has collaborated with some newspapers and since 2022 is author and co-editor with Stefano Farinetti of Wedding Room, weekly format on RID 96.8.