Romics del Fumetto Award - #Romics32
From 4 to 7 April 2024 Romics returns with the twenty-second edition of the Romics del Fumetto Prize, the prestigious contest that rewards the major national and international artists of the ninth art.
The Prize, created under the auspices of the Centre for Books and Reading, an autonomous institute of the Ministry of Culture, is an important opportunity that sees the dissemination of comic books on a national scale, to keep up with the latest news from Italian publishing houses.
We have the great pleasure to inform you about the news regarding the Prize of this edition: the collaboration between Libraries of Roma Capitale and Romics, with the establishment of the Young Readers Award - Premio del Pubblico Graphic Novel, Libraries of Rome, dedicated to Graphic Novel. The Jury of the Romics del Fumetto Prize will select up to a maximum of n. 6 registered titles, which will be voted by the Reading Circles of the Libraries of Rome, composed of young readers and readers. The Collaboration also has the important purpose of funding a fund for the establishment, within the Libraries of Rome, of a new Library of Comics and Graphic Novels to be made available to users. This project aims to foster the increasingly necessary and important dialogue between Libraries, Publishing Houses and readers, the beginning of a collaboration that will favor events, projects, presentations in Romics and at the Librarian offices throughout the year.
Romics since its first edition, promotes the culture, the art of comics and the spread of reading in Italy through this now traditional event.
The award ceremony will be a great moment of sharing and meeting. In addition, live performances dedicated to comics, focus within the official catalog of the event, on the website and on social media and an exhibition dedicated to the books in competition will focus on the comics candidates and will offer increasing visibility to Italian and international pencils.
The Romics del Fumetto Prize is dedicated to publishers, who can register their most important comic book publishing products published from 1 January to 31 December 2023.
The Jury of the Competition will be composed of personalities from the world of comics, culture and art and will reserve the right to award the following Awards:
Gran Premio Romics
Premio Speciale della Giuria
Miglior Fumetto Europeo
Miglior Fumetto Angloamericano
Miglior Manga
Miglior Fumetto Italiano
Miglior Fumetto per Bambini
Miglior Fumetto per Ragazzi
Premio Nuovi Talenti
Miglior Serie
Miglior Ristampa
Miglior Fumetto Digitale
The Jury may also award Special Mentions. For details regarding participation in the Competition, please refer to the rules.
It will be possible to register no later than 31 January 2024.
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